ESB全称为Enterprise Service Bus,即企业服务总线。它是传统中间件技术与XML、Web服务等技术结合的产物。ESB提供了网络中最基本的连接中枢,是构筑企业神经系统的必要元素。ESB的出现改变了传统的软件架构,可以提供比传统中间件产品更为廉价的

ebs是什么意思 微博ebs是什么意思
缩写词 abbr.
1.=Emergency Broadcast System 紧Ji广播系统
缩写词 abbr.
1.=east by south 东偏南 网Luo释义1.一般是澳洲航线使用
EBS: Emergency Bunker Surcharges,海运相关 中文意思是紧急燃油附Jia费。
缩写词 abbr.
1.=Emergency Broadcast System 紧Ji广播系统
缩写词 abbr.
1.=east by south 东偏南 网Luo释义1.一般是澳洲航线使用
EBS: Emergency Bunker Surcharges,海运相关 中文意思是紧急燃油附Jia费。
1.海运相关 : EBS: Emergency Bunker Surcharges, 中文意思是紧急燃油附加费。
2.数据库:oracle ebs是电Zi商务套件的简称。指一套系统。
Oracle EBS全称是Oracle 电子商务套件(E-Business Suit),是在原来Application(ERP)基础上的扩展,包括ERP(企Ye资源计划管理)、HR(人力资源管理)、CRM(客户关系管理)等等多种管理软件的Ji合,是无缝集成的一个管理套件。
电子控制制动系统简称EBS或ELB,是近几年在防抱死制动系统(ABS)与防Hua系统(ASR)的基础上发展起来的,主要Yong于改善载货汽车的制动性能。 为保证行车An全,美国联邦 *** 规定重型载货汽车和挂车Yao安装防抱死制动系统 (ABS),该系统Yong于在难以制动的情况下防止车轮打滑,让驾Shi员能够转动方向盘。载货汽车的ABS与轿Che的ABS一样,它能在车轮快要锁住时迅速Shi放制动,然后再制动,以免失去车轮抓地的Mo擦力。它们的区别是,载货汽车的制动系统Shi以压缩空气为动力,不像轿车的制动系统那Yang采用液压制动。美国的载货汽车生产商已经Tui出了对驾驶员的脚踏反应更灵敏的制动系统。这种被称为EBS的电子控制制动系统已经Ying用在一些载货汽车上了。载货汽车上通常使Yong的气压制动系统功能强大,但是对制动板踩Xia去的反应有一些延迟。新驾驶员必须学会如He安全地使用这些系统。一个复杂的情况是:Zhuang满货物的载货汽车的制动反应要比空载的载Huo汽车制动较为迟钝。而EBS就可以解决这Xie缺陷,使得重型载货汽车对踩下制动的反应Neng像轿车一样灵敏。安装了ABS的气压制动Xi统可以让时速为96.5km的载货汽车在76.4~85.4m之间完全停住,而安装LiaoEBS制动系统的载货汽车可以将停车距离Zai缩短15%。
当车轮将要抱死时,ABS系统发Yi信号给压力调节器,以控制制动器的制动力,使制动力停止增加。这时制动器中的制动液Shao量回流减压,然后又增压,制动力增长,如Ci连续几次达到最佳的制动效果,可以达到10~20次/秒。EBS系统比ABS系统增Jia了各种传感器,包括三维力传感器、制动器Mo擦片磨损传感器等。制动时,制动踏板位置Xin号传给电控单元,同时各力传感器把载荷、Di面附着力和制动气压信号传给电控单元,由Dian控单元自动调节制动压力,形成闭环控制。Gai系统用电子控制取代机械传动,减少制动系Tong机械传动的滞后时,缩短制动距离,在低强Du时,使摩擦片磨损最小;中等强度时,利用ABS达到最佳的道路附着系数利用率;高强Du时,施加最大的制动压力,从而获得最佳的Kong制制动力。摩擦磨损传感器可以监测得各制Don *** 的摩擦情况,控制各制动器压力分配延长Shi用寿命。EBS系统可以与其它电子控制系Tong一起由一个电控单元进行集中统一控制。实Xian各种不同要求的控制功能。
标签:作文经典 上一篇:驾考诗词 驾考祝福语大全 下一篇:鹅黄嫩绿一样的词 鹅黄嫩绿一样的词语
EBS (N,N'-乙撑双硬脂酰胺)
一、 简介
二、 性质
外观: 白色粉末 白Se细小颗粒
酸 值(mgKOH/g) ≤ 10
比 重(g/cm3) 0.97
挥发Du (%) ≤ 1%
熔 点(°C) 140.0-147.0
色 度( Gardner) ≤ 5.0
灰 份(%) ≤0.1%
卫生特性 符合多国食品条Li,可用于接触食品的应用中,例如BGVVHeFDA。
三、 应用特点
EBS是eying based services 的缩写,是互联网行业的一Xiang新技术,叫图像搜索识别技术,也叫视觉搜Suo与互动服务。只要用手机拍一下随便一张图Pian就可以出现相对应的视频,音频,网站之类De信息,用起来比较方便,也比较实用,这样Wo们就可以随时随地只要用手机拍一下,便可Yi获取我们感兴趣的信息。
电子控制Zhi动系统EBS 为保证行车安全,美国联邦Zheng府规定重型载货汽车和挂车要安装防抱死制Dong系统 (ABS),该系统用于在难以制动De情况下防止车轮打滑,让驾驶员能够转动方Xiang盘。载货汽车的ABS与轿车的ABS一样,它能在车轮快要锁住时迅速释放制动,然后Zai制动,以免失去车轮抓地的摩擦力。它们的Qu别是,载货汽车的制动系统是以压缩空气为Dong力,不像轿车的制动系统那样采用液压制动。美国的载货汽车生产商已经推出了对驾驶员De脚踏反应更灵敏的制动系统。这种被称为EBS的电子控制制动系统已经应用在一些载货Qi车上了。载货汽车上通常使用的气压制动系Tong功能强大,但是对制动板踩下去的反应有一Xie延迟。新驾驶员必须学会如何安全地使用这Xie系统。一个复杂的情况是:装满货物的载货Qi车的制动反应要比空载的载货汽车制动较为Chi钝。而EBS就可以解决这些缺陷,使得重Xing载货汽车对踩下制动的反应能像轿车一样灵Min。安装了ABS的气压制动系统可以让时速Wei96.5km的载货汽车在76.4~85.4m之间完全停住,而安装了EBS制动系Tong的载货汽车可以将停车距离再缩短15%。
CIC或CIS 集装箱不平衡Fei container imbalance charge
EBS 紧急燃油附加费 Emergent Bunker Surcharges
集装箱失衡附Jia费(CIC)指的是旺季过后由于中国出口Liang巨大,所以集装箱很缺,国外要大量返运集Zhuang箱回中国 占用一部分的舱位,这部分舱位De费用,是船公司承担的,船公司为了减少损Shi,提出了CIC附加费,为客户收取。
紧急燃油附加费Emerent Buker Surchanges,紧急燃You附加费(EBS)以人民币为计费单位,按Mei个TEU单位收取费用。这个费用一般预付,在东南亚、台湾、澳洲、近洋航线多有收取。对于紧急燃油附加费(EBS)的征收,本Zhi上是船公司根据国际原油和成品油价格的波Dong为平衡船舶航行增加的额外燃油成本而收取De一项费用。
标签:作文经典 上一篇:驾考诗词 驾考祝福语大全 下一篇:鹅黄嫩绿一样的词 鹅黄嫩绿一样的词语

Computer: proficient in Professional: Computer Software Engineering
Work intention: ERP Engineer, ERP Technical Advisor
Development Tools: Form / Report builder, Toad, sql / plus, XML Publisher.OAF.
Work experience:
So far 09/8- Job Title: EBS Technical Consultant Company: Shenzhen Worksoft Creative Software Technology Co., Ltd.
Overview of the work: According to the EBS project requirements for the secondary development of each module.
Involved in the project: 1. Cree Optoelectronics (Huizhou) Co., Oracle Intercompany items Optoelectronics
1. Facilitate the Group's books under a single, finished production of books shipped, custom AP, AR automatically generated function, development of the screen, reports, provided to the USER check to confirm. Generate the financial data.
06/6-09/7 Job Title: ERP Engineer Company: Shenzhen Elite Group Xinmao Technology Co., Ltd.
SUMMARY OF THE WORK: In the Xinmao Technology Co., Ltd. work more than three years, from assistant engineer to engineer, to the head. Principally engaged in ORACLE ERP secondary development. Worked OM module responsible person. After the charge of the financial GL, AP, AR, COST module, WIP INV BOM PO is also a better understanding of the module. For production management, shipping part of the process have a profound understanding and experience, be able to quickly extract information technology solutions.
Involved in the project: 1. Factory finished products storage by adding manufacturing, quality assurance, materials processes. Facilitate the function of an information query RMA shipments. Systems of other shipments of the various plants on the situation and whether there SFIS system to determine the number of each case, the stack DELIVERY NAME sheet tied to the way shipping .2. system based on single-RELEASE work, in accordance with the provisions of health management in case No. BOM rules and built by the amount of packing box number box number is automatically generated. Manufacturing number based on the actual completion of finished boxes create Jiaoku single, quality assurance through the electrical, appearance inspection to confirm quality. materials according to physical warehousing. systematic posting. shipment box number will be bound with the DELIVERY NAME. to achieve RMA RMA can be found when the ship bar-coding, that is, which box number, DN out. and the line production. facilitate the company's customer service operations, and accountability. pallets shipped similar.
2. Financial AP, AR customs data and feed exports. Worth more than the right statements.
1. PO feeding the ERP system, data, OM customs import and export shipment data and data development functions together, and the number of customs clearance system, the amount of upload into ERP systems. Through statements than AP, PO, customs quantities imported, the amount and AR, OM, customs export volume, the amount. Analysis of customs import and export of plants and the ERP system, and out of different reasons.
3. Weijia logistics company, received materials, shipping, corresponding to ERP systems for automatic resumption materials, shipping, resulting in the declaration data. Debit and other functions, saving personnel are operating,
1. System based logistics company, received material, shipping information, sent to the FTP server, FTP server, called ORACLE to read data in the PROCEDURE. PO automatically closed material. DELIVERY NAME update PACKING information. PICKR debit function.
4. To ship a single row WEB queries, floor co-ordination web Remarks shipping information functions.
A system based on health management to maintain ship delivery. With time as a parameter, will be shipped within a few days later data, query, save it to the TALBE. Every day 6 version, displayed in the WEB page. And achieve converting function generates EXCEL . to achieve the business, import and export, co-ordination, quality assurance, materials through the website easier to find the next shipment information to reduce the health management order a single row of data. facilitate the operation of various departments.
5. ERP system and customs Yi Netcom Systems (sql server2000) data switching capabilities to achieve
Part Number 1.ERP timing will be essential files, BOM, received material records, vendor information, inventory and other basic data timing mode into the RUN REPORT customs server, a fixed path. Customs LOOP automatically every hour to read file data, update data .2. customs system, customs books from time to time to update the information, ERP No. Material uploaded to merge the Customs serial number information on the ERP AP. System Timing mode using SQL LOADER read and update the ERP data. implementation carried out in the ERP, import, export, back to Hong Kong customs data generating function. facilitate the customs declaration. and customs checking account with the factory the financial account.
05/8-06/5 Job Title: Engineer Company: Dongguan Humen Xinge Software Co., Ltd.
SUMMARY OF THE WORK: May 2005 -06 years, Humen in Dongguan Xin Ge May Software Engineering group with C Builder, SQLSERVER2000 customs accounting software programming and database development and maintenance of internal management systems targeted at the enterprise into the marketing deposit accounts, for the corresponding procedures and SQL2000 database programming and testing and maintenance.
Skills expertise: 1. At school obtain a certificate of programmers
2.3.5 Second Year ORACLE ERP development experience. Familiar with Oracle database, proficient in PL / SQL, Toad, and Oracle Form / Report, XMLPublisher development, better teamwork and communication skills
3. In the company of a department basketball team captain, was in 2008's elite Cup basketball championship.
4. Taken up time: at any time