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Curriculum Vitae


Information architecture professional with over 9 years of experience working with Internet technologies.

Strong background and skills in usability, needs asses *** ent, prototyping, user interface design, and development. Master’s candidate in Information Management with a concentration in Human-puter Interaction. Seeking positions in Information Architecture, User Experience and/or Interaction Design.


University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA May 2006 expected

Master of Information Management & Systems

Selected Coursework: Needs & Usability Asses *** ent, User Interface Design & Development,Information Organization & Retrieval, XML & Related Technologies Barnard College, Columbia University, New York, NY May 1995

Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology minor in Biology

Thesis: “How Canadian Multicultural Policy Has Affected Ethnic Identity” research included conducting ethnographic interviews


Database Usability Consultant, Institute of International Studies, UC Berkeley Jan 2006-present

Design and conduct user interviews and testing to pinpoint user problems with database interface.

Analyze findings, make design remendations, and implement redesign.

Find and fix bugs in the PHP and mySQL code for final deployment of application.

Mobile Shopper Mobile Prototype Workshop January 2006

Worked with a *** all team of developers to design and implement a shopping application for the mobile phone using Python for Symbian OS and PHP for a week-long workshop.

Presented prototype to peers and Yahoo! Research team.

Graduate Student Instructor, School of Information Management, UC Berkeley Sept-Dec 2005

Prepared and led discussion sessions on various technical, social and economic topics dealing with search engine technologies. [course info]

Gave advice and graded assignments and projects for a class of around 100 students.

HCI Researcher, SAP Research, Palo Alto, CA Jun-Aug 2005

Conducted and produced a literature survey that investigated methods of mapping content to user and device-specific interfaces for the proactive user interface project.

Built a prototype to illustrate content mapping based on user profiles, pipelines and XSLT.

Identified a model-based mapping framework and presented findings to peers and other departments.

Webmaster, Center for Social Services Research, UC Berkeley Jul 2001-May 2005

Restructured the CSSR website [homepage] to improve consistency, logic, and usability based on information architecture principles.

pletely rebuilt a *** all static HTML website into a large, plex, dynamic website with ASP server-side programming.

Originated a file-naming convention to organize and access data logically and consistently.

Established an extensive QA tracking system working with QA team to catch errors.

Added a searchable publications database with puter/PDA-accessible PDF downloads.

Using SAS-generated XML, generated printer-friendly/web-friendly pages using XSL.

Optimized search engine rankings with registration, meta-tags, and link-trades with related websites. Analyzed server logs.

Hired, trained, managed assistants to help update the website. Created training documentation.

Web Developer, Terra Lycos, Inc., San Francisco, CA Apr 2000-May 2001

Successfully delivered multiple "Artist Special Feature" pages for Lycos Music's largest client,1M+ page views per feature. These top priority projects were highly time-sensitive and promoted throughout the network. [Lycos Music] [Hotbot]

Hand-coded web pages using DHTML and ASP in VBScript according to design specifications.

Worked with Product Managers, Designers, and QA to ensure timeliness and quality of projects.

Webmaster/ munications Associate, International Center in NY, New York, NY Jan 1997-Feb 2000

Supervised development, redesigned layout, edited, formatted, promoted new website [homepage]

and newsletter to recruit potential volunteers and international students.

Conducted monthly internet and e-mail workshops for members and volunteers.

Devised plex SQL queries, reports using dbase IV, Access databases for targeted mailings.

Marketing Assistant / Tracking Coordinator, Jumbo, New York, NY Sept-Dec 1996

Tracked cost-per-1000-impressions CPM for online ads to ensure contractual pliance.

Developed documentation & trained co-workers on ad-serving NetGravity software.


Participated in needs asses *** ent, requirements gathering, user interviews, design, development, prototyping, implementation and/or documentation in a number of class projects.

Social Responsibility Barcode Project [final project documentation] Fall 2005-present

Consumer application that scans product ID to return social and environmental manufacturing data. Proof-ofconcept prototype developed for Flash lite plug-in and Symbian OS on the mobile phone.

UFOVis [project website] Fall 2005 Visualization of UFO sighting data incorporating the Yahoo! Maps API.

Collaborative Bargains Database Application Fall 2005

Shopping deals aggregator and search application developed using PHP and mySQL database.

SIMster Peer-to-Peer Network Application Spring 2005

Distributed puting application that searches for, connects, and exchanges data with peer nodes on the network.

FilterFeeder prototype application Spring 2005

RSS feeds application that filters out/for subject keywords developed with *** allx pipeline technology and XSL.

Mobile Phone Art Tour Application [project website] Fall 2004

Faceted metadata classification framework for a mobile public art tour application using Protégé ontology editor.


Software: Dreamweaver, FrontPage, EditPlus; Visual InterDev, Eclipse, Perforce, NetBeans, Smallx Pipeline

Technology, Ant; ImageReady, Photoshop, Media Cleaner Pro, Real Video plug-in technology, Macromedia Flash 8, Flash Lite, Aldus PageMaker Mac and PC, Visio; SPSS, Access, Dbase IV, ACT, MySQL and Oracle databases; WS-FTP, Cross-browser patibilities.

Programming Languages: ASP in VBScript, PHP, Python Symbian OS, Java working knowledge, JavaScript,CSS, DHTML, AJAX, HTML hand-coder, XML, XSL, and SQL.

Other: Korean, French. Excellent written and verbal munication skills. Demonstrated team player. Thrives in collaborative environments.




一份出彩的 英文简历 是申请博士成功的第一步,也是最关键的一步。下面是由我分享的申请博士英文简历模板,希望对你有用。


Basic information

Name: Tan xx Sex: Male

National: Han origin: Pingxiang in Jiangxi Province

Date of birth: September 1980 political landscape: members

Health status: a good marital status: unmarried

Profession: Vegetable Science Education: Master's

Phone: 1587426816X E-mail: xuexila.com

Education and work experience

2000.9 ~ 2004.7, Jiangxi Agricultural University, College of Agriculture

2004.9 ~ 2006.7 Department of Horticulture, Zhejiang University

~ 2006.7 Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences has

Foreign language proficiency

Through the National College English CET; have a certain degree of horticulture (mainly vegetables) of the professional literature in English reading and translation capabilities.

Preliminary research experience

Undergraduate thesis was to follow during the Jiangxi Agricultural University, Institute of Landscape Architecture and Art Professor Xiao Jinxiang engaged in "flue-cured tobacco plants

Different agents to reduce the nicotine content of the pilot study "; through the initial stages of the influence of scientific research and experiments, field experiments on EC

Analysis of data with a certain degree of understanding and knowledge; initial grasp of some physiological and biochemical aspects of the determination of the material and sub -

Analysis methods.

Graduate students engaged in during the main content of different fertilizers and different treatment on the carrot in the process of growth and development of agronomic traits and Health

Biochemical aspects of the rationale for the pilot study; In addition to help instructors and students were engaged in tomato, lotus root and water-oat pilot study

Work;读研Zhejiang University Although only a short period of two years, but I think this is my life is too precious to benefit gangs

Shallow section of valuable time; through this phase of the study and research experience, the initial grasp and the accumulation of a number of foreign language text

Xian retrieval, experimental design and thesis writing experience, etc..

After graduation came to the unit now vegetables in Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute. Work, the beginning is to assist the red dishes

Carex breeding expert Professor Lin Wu Hung engaged in cruciferous vegetables Brassica campestris breeding work through a number of varieties of red

Review of the scene as one of the results of scientific research to participate in the Hunan Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences awarded the prize of scientific and technological progress. Later, as a result of work

Was sent to the field for a year engaged in science and technology correspondent of Changsha City, mainly to guide the province's well-known vegetable production base in Changsha

Huang County town of LIDAR vegetable farmers in the village of the pollution-free vegetable standardization in the technical aspects of cultivation; In the meantime, Qualcomm

A variety of channels and my local hospital (by) for a total of 9 million in project funding, as a scientific research project "Pollution-free large

Pesticide residues in vegetables shelf control technology "to write the declaration and project presenters, respectively Technology Bureau and the Changsha City, Hunan Province

Science and Technology Agency funding. After the red as a result of prior breeding host Brassica campestris Lin Wu tragic death of a teacher due to illness, together with a number of owners, passengers

Concept of reasons, I had to re-select a teacher to continue to engage in vegetable breeding research. Education is mainly to follow the gourd

Weeks of expert teachers to engage in fire Dongguashan strong work breeding this year, also approved three new varieties of gourd, also has begun

Tomato breeding work.

Published an article

"Radish succulent root formation and expansion of physical research" ( "Northern Gardening" in 2006 the first one, the first author);

"Soil water content and nitrogen application rate on the Pepper Yield and Quality" ( "Pepper magazine," an article in 2007, the third author);

"Biology of mustard classification" ( "Ningbo Agricultural Science and Technology" in 2007 the first three, the sixth author);

"DNA molecular marker technology and its application in vegetable genetics and breeding research" ( "the Yangtze River Vegetable," 2007, No. 10, the first author);

"Dongguashan genetic traits of major economic effect analysis" ( "Journal of Hunan Agricultural University" in 2008 the first two, the third author);

"Pepper germplasm identification, evaluation and use of research" ( "Pepper Magazine" 2008, No. 2, the first author);

"Radish application" Haobo "brand organic fertilizer biological activity study of the effect of the test" ( "Ningbo vegetables" in 2008 the first three, the first author);

"Pepper at different temperatures under the conditions of germination characteristics of the study" ( "Pepper Magazine" in 2008 the first four, the first author, has been hired);

"Light up the development of vegetable industry in the status quo, Problems and Countermeasures" ( "Northern Gardening" in 2009 the first one, the first author, has been employed)



Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 10/20/1987 Add: Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology

School of Environmental Science and Engineering School Office

No. 219, Ningliu Road, Pukou District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 210044, P. R. China E-mail:

Tel: 86-13712345678 Education September 2008- Present

Nanjing, China

Research Experience

February 2011-Present

Research Projects:

The modification of the antifungal Fluconazole;

Synthesis of carbohydrate compounds containing β-amino alcohol via Henry


The synthesis and applications of oxazolidinone compounds.

Main Responsibility:

Search literature, optimize experimental methods under the guidance;

Carry out reactions and purify the products.

March-December 2010

1. Research Projects:

Design and Applications of Functional Macrocyclic Compounds ( College

Students' Science and Technology Innovation Training Projects of Jiangsu Province

(No.xxx and No.xxxx) )

2. Chinese Patent:

The Synthesis and Applications of Macrocyclic Compounds Containing The

Structure of Arylamine (Application No. xxxxxxxxx.x).

3. Publication

Synthesis and characterization of the novel shape-persistent nanosized cavity

macrocycle, synthetic metals 2011, XXX, XXXX-XXXX.

Research Interests

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正所谓“工欲善其事,必先利其器”,想要申请国外的博士后职位,就要准备好相应的申请文书材料。如果说Cover Letter是职位的窍门砖,那么申请者的简历就是争取职位的决定性筹码。



1、中国人的名字,姓在名之前,和国外的习惯相反,为了避免误会,姓名最好按照Family Name和First Name分开来写。




3、总结研究生及博士阶段从事的研究工作,将主要研究成果按照Research Achievements单独列出。重要结论如果能图文并茂,则更是锦上添花。

4、博士后是一份工作,如在国内做过博士后应该写入工作经历中(Professional Experience),研究成果需详细介绍。


6、研究领域(Research Areas)最好按标题分开写,尽量避免使用etc;

7、文章列表(Publications List)


(2)如果是中文论文,应在末尾标注“(In Chinese)”;







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